what's in a name?

. . .far more than you might think!

Although the domain name itself plays little part in keyword searches,  it becomes very important when presented in search engine results alongside your competitors,  and can heavily influence the decision to click through to your site.

some domain name tips

The most important factors when choosing a domain name is that it must be memorable,  easy to spell,  and as short as possible.

Your domain name can be a trading style.   It does NOT have to be your Company name  (otherwise 'ebay' would only be found at ''),  nor does it have to describe what you do. . .  don't burden your website with '' if '' is available!

Be creative.   An invented word  (like 'ipinx' for example)  will be protected by your intellectual copyright and unavailable to competitors seeking to 'steal' visits intended for your business.


The KISS principle. . .  Keep It Short Stupid.  '' may be descriptive,  but is a nightmare to type without errors.

Although your domain name does not have to reflect what you do,  it must not suggest something that you DON'T do.   A potential customer searching for a rental car is far less likely to click on '',  no matter how high up it appears in Google's results.

Write it down and read it.   Just imagine the red faces at Western Engineering Services (UK) Ltd when their self-registered domain,  '',  appeared in print for the first time.   Oooops!

Finally;   don't search from inside a domain name vendor's website.   If you happen across a good name,  there is always a risk that when you go back to register it the price will have inflated.   Ask me to carry out a discrete search for you. . .  it's free!



.uk and .com domain names visual representation

.com .uk or something else?

There are currently 300 million registered .com, .org and .net active domains,  with a further 5 million being added each month,  making it increasingly difficult to find a suitable name with one of these global extensions.   Country level domains  (CCTLDs)  such as .uk however,  are far more likely to be available.

If you wish to add even more 'national' appeal,  then domains such as or .irish are very useful.   It's also the case that many names that are taken in other forms may still be available to register with these newer,  country level extensions.

internet hosting

it's where your website lives

Rather than being stored on a single computer,  in one data centre  (where a local power cut could easily take your site offline),  I recommend 'cloud hosting'. . .  where multiple copies of your website exist simultaneously on numerous servers,  spread around the globe.

Cloud hosting improves the speed of access to your site and lowers the risk of down-time dramatically.


There are many reliable options available,  beginning at around £6 +VAT a month  (including 24/7 monitoring & backup,  multiple emails and spam filtering).

Please bear in mind that a hosting package with increased bandwidth may be necessary to accommodate audio and video streaming,  or sites with particularly high projected traffic. . .  the costs of which will be determined by the resources required.


free unbiased advice

Part of the free consultation process would be to recommend the ideal hosting solution for your project,  so before you commit to hosting or register a 'cheap' domain name,  call me for advice,  without obligation.   It could help you to avoid a potentially costly mistake!

creative, affordable, effective

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